

A few weeks back I read this blogpost about how we can't be everyone's darling. And that it is okay if we are not liked by every one. The author had a great way of illustrating this by using the example of chick-fil-a sauce. And that we each might prefer a different sauce with our nuggets, even if in the author's mind chick-fil-a is the best. I thought that is easily said if you are chick-fil-a and the majority likes you. But what if you are hot sauce? And people simply can't handle you? When people tell you hot sauce is awesome but only use it twice a year? I shed a few tears feeling sorry for myself, knowing that she was right and we have to be our own unique flavor, still hoping I could one day learn the secret ingredient for being everybody's favorite flavor.

Fast forward to now. I am HOT SAUCE! Extra hot. A few drops of me can flavor a whole dish. You will always remember the first time you came in contact with me. I am so hot I make you cry. I am so hot I make you laugh cause you think it is hilarious how strongly you react to me.

Hot sauce might not be for every one and every day. None the less. Hot sauce is awesome and has her own place! I am hot sauce. And for the first time I am just fine with that!

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