

A certain little person took it upon himself to empty out all the little drawers that I had worked so hard on filling. We ended up with a 1 h power struggle. He sobbed the whole time, but I made him clean it up. As he is too small to do it properly, having it in the right drawer was enough. Which meant I redid it once he was done. 

The mental damage was worse then the actual damage. It just once again felt so useless. Why bother? Why spend hours sorting and putting away if someone can destroy my hard work in less than a minute? I also kept asking myself if living in a constantly messy house makes my 2 year old believe this is how things are supposed to look like? Does he really think the proper way to store his clothes and toys is to put it all in a heap in the middle of his room? He has left the drawers alone for the rest of the week. I am not sure if that is because he understood that the stuff iss supposed to be in there or because he has enough toys spread all over the floor to be happy again.  I did tear me down more than I care to admit. I think I am over it at last. New week. Here I come.

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