

I used to have routines in place that worked well for me. But things went south over the last year and I found myself doing nothing but holding a baby the last few weeks. When I do have my hands free Is eem to be lost and don't know where to start. It is once again so mcuh, that it looks like an impossible task. So I came up with the following solution.

I made a list of things I want/need to do every day. I decided to try to do just one every day, everything else would be bonus.  Then when Imanage to do that I would add a second thing. Guess what. I failed. Every. Single. DAY! For a week. Today I found out why. My tiny starter task is do 2 complete laundry cycles each day. But guess what. This is what one load looks like: take to the basement and sort - wash - dry - fold - put away. I have done this long enough to know that whenyou add this up you are looking at an average of 30 min per load. So my tiny starter task takes a whole hour of my day. Maybe not the smartest thing to start with. 

Once again we are back to the well known fact that if you want to plan right, you need to know how much time you need to get accomplished what you set out to do.  I felt better about myself once I realized that my first step is a huge one. Splitting it up into 10 tasks (2 times 5 tasks see above) already helps. I also decided that it shoudl count if I just do 10 laundry tasks. like 1 full cycle plus putting 5 baskets away. (Yes, that seems to be the hardest task). 

While thinking about all of this I managed to complete my 10 laundry tasks. 2 full circles. And I cleaned a toilet and scrubbed a sink in one of the bathrooms. HA! Take that. I can function in the middle of crazy. I hope I can do it again tomorrow. 

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