

If there is one thing that motivates me to clean up besides wanting it clean it is people coming over. Greatest motivator of all is a babysitter. Why? Because a babysitter basically has to enter every single room of your house. so you can't just shut a few doors and pretend everything is peachy. Among babysitters, the "new" babysitter is most motivating, cause they haven't ever seen your house. Blah. I've been working on this house like crazy for 10 days now and I am getting places, but didn't get done. We have 5 boxes left in the girls room, 3 of them I moved to my room and 2 baskets of clothes form the little kids' room. All stacked up in front of my bed again to form yet another abominable pile.

I am dreaming of getting stuff down from the attic, but it is either shove this stuff up to deal with new stuff, or be patient and get things under control before I bring down more. We all know the smart way to do this, especially with Thanksgiving sneaking up on me and Christmas around the corner. I wish I had a date for the attic business. That would make planning easier.

Well. The house is babysitter ready. The room to my door is shut and I will just hope she is not the nosy type..

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