I finally confessed to Nicole about the blog. And her being mentioned. Her reaction:"Wow. I sound a lot more awesome than I am in real life." Well. She is just that awesome. She simply doesn't know.
She read the posts on meal plans and confessed to me that she hates left overs. She even left a comment on improvements of her system but google + liked it so much it simply gobbled it up. So here we go.
As I just mentioned, Nicole hates leftovers. Especially on the second day. Might have to do with growing up in a household with little money, but that is pure speculation. She doesn't want to throw the leftovers away, either. Freezing it is a solution that is not pure genius, we all have done this, but her way of freezing the stuff is. She makes meal size portions and freezes them in individual containers.
No more providing after school snacks. The kids just grab a (home made) freezer meal and warm it up. As the leftover a portioned you don't end up with left over leftovers and of course one portion warms up a lot faster than a meal for 3.
Nicole says that a few days later, she doesn't mind the leftovers and might even have one of those meals for herself.
Now here is my 5 c on the topic. Why not have "freezer meal day" once a month. You know, those days when you've been running around all day running errands or taxiing kids back and forth, or when you haven't slept because half of the kids have been vomiting all night and the other half was whiney all day. So on that day everybody gets to pick what they want out of the freezer for dinner and all you do is pop it in the microwave one by one. Should also help with keeping your freezer from overflowing!
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