

I have been reading through old posts and they make me cry. Maybe it is just lack of decent sleep.

I am not in a bad place...just a very tired place. Tired of doing the same things over and over. Tired of feeling I will never see the end of this. Reading through old posts is not helpful in this situation. The same crap, over and over and over again. The same mess, the same feelings of not being good enough, the same stories of procrastination and indecisiveness.

This morning I decided I will pick 3 tasks and focus on them. Guess what. too much. I will focus on one. Just one. I have a translation to finish. That is the task to focus on.

Unless it is done. No worries about anything else.



I get hand me downs from people all the time. Last time the bag of clothes also contained a few balls of yarn. OF a quality that I don't really use. Colors I didn't even like. I took them to preschool and asked them if they wanted it. The teacher took about 2/3 of it and didn't want the rest.

The yarn was navy blue. Felt polyestery and yuck.  And was "brand new", not even rolled into a ball. With a price tag still on it. 2 of them. From the discolored prize tag it was obvious that the thing had been around for a while. Can you believe that even after the preschool teacher didn't want it it took me 2 weeks to just put it in the trash? I was trying so hard to come up with things to do with it. Didn't come up with a single one. I was frustrated when I put it in the trash. Frustrated that there was no use for something so "new and useful". Frustrated every time I put something else in the trash. And a little proud of myself for actually doing it....



Probably not. Did I miss blogging? In some ways, yes. In others, no.

It has been almost 14 months since I last posted. To be honest, I thought it was longer. So much has happened since and so much has changed and so much is still the same.

The plan is still to get out of chaos and into calming surroundings. I have come a long way and I still have quite a way to go. To get back into the blog I clicked on a link in an email notifying me about a comment. I ended up rereading the post and it dawned on me, that the epiphany I told about in I LOVE HER ENERGY is very similar to my insight from this post. I guess some things you have to understand more than once before you really get them.