Today, as I was taking out the trash, I found a bag of kid's clothes on my front porch. I think that it is kind of rude to not ask me if I want it, but on the other hand so far I always took it. Still, I would just think it polite to give me a choice. Maybe I have no time to deal with this at the moment? Or no need for clothes at all? Plus just by the size and the fact that it was clothes for boys I know who dumped them on my front porch. So, if you ever have stuff you want to pass on. Ask people if they want it, don't just dump it on their front porch.
Okay. Rant is over. I am happy to report that 6 items were of use to us, they have been dealt with and are put away. The rest is packed up in the bag again ready to go to a friend's house tomorrow. And yes, I asked if she could use it!
So instead of waiting for weeks to take a look at them and another few weeks to deal with them I took care of it in less than 2 hours.
Realizing I was a hoarder was both a shock and a relief. A shock, because nobody wants to have a mental disorder. A relief, because my situation finally had a name. I found people who could relate. Knowing the problem helps solving it. I can step aside and look at the situation from a more neutral point of view. Why am I blogging about it? 2 reasons. 1. Putting my thoughts into words helps me think more clearly. 2. If this helps just one, who is like me, see the light it was more than worth it!
I wish I had a grand tale to tell about my decluttering process. Unfortunately school has picked up for all of my kids. It'S the time of year with the most tests and exams. Of course it's also cold season and as my pedatrician says, stomach bug are also in season. (Yup, there is a reason I mention that one!)
What I CAN report is that my mindset has changed. Decluttering is not a chore anymore it is a way of making myself feel better. I do not need a delcutter season at the moment to part with things. I can grab cheap plastic gimmicks and toss them in passing. I don't feel guilty anymore. I shrug my shoulders and think:"If they want it they should have put it away." I might not toss it the first time I come across it, but they go out faster and with a new feeling of confidence.
Kids are on the floor, trampled over? Out it goes. I don't even check it. My little Picassos will have created 3 new ones by the time this one hits bottom of the recycling bin.
I am also a lot better at being happy with what I DID get accomplish instead of mopping over what still needs to be done. Being happy is not only a choice, it is also a skill and it can be practised!
I wish I could list the 7 of the day, but I can't. Why not? Because I don't even think about it when they fly out. I know I tossed a plastic ring and 2 socks wiht holes. But lets face it. Tossing socks with holes is NOT newsworthy! I have heard from other hoarders, that they started decluttering and eitther kept track of all they parted with or the amount of bags they threw out and that they reached a point where that wasn't important anymore and they simply stopped keeping track
I feel good about myself and I have hope that my home will one day be easy to maintain. Judging things by their bringing joy or not does help tremendously. Especially when you notice that it not only doesn't bring joy but even worse, makes you unhappy or brings you down! Thank you Marie Kondo! I didn't beleive it at first but this approach really is helping me! And I didn't even buy the book! At least not yet.
What I CAN report is that my mindset has changed. Decluttering is not a chore anymore it is a way of making myself feel better. I do not need a delcutter season at the moment to part with things. I can grab cheap plastic gimmicks and toss them in passing. I don't feel guilty anymore. I shrug my shoulders and think:"If they want it they should have put it away." I might not toss it the first time I come across it, but they go out faster and with a new feeling of confidence.
Kids are on the floor, trampled over? Out it goes. I don't even check it. My little Picassos will have created 3 new ones by the time this one hits bottom of the recycling bin.
I am also a lot better at being happy with what I DID get accomplish instead of mopping over what still needs to be done. Being happy is not only a choice, it is also a skill and it can be practised!
I wish I could list the 7 of the day, but I can't. Why not? Because I don't even think about it when they fly out. I know I tossed a plastic ring and 2 socks wiht holes. But lets face it. Tossing socks with holes is NOT newsworthy! I have heard from other hoarders, that they started decluttering and eitther kept track of all they parted with or the amount of bags they threw out and that they reached a point where that wasn't important anymore and they simply stopped keeping track
I feel good about myself and I have hope that my home will one day be easy to maintain. Judging things by their bringing joy or not does help tremendously. Especially when you notice that it not only doesn't bring joy but even worse, makes you unhappy or brings you down! Thank you Marie Kondo! I didn't beleive it at first but this approach really is helping me! And I didn't even buy the book! At least not yet.
Today as I threw something in the bath room trash I noticed a pink felt tip pen without a lid under the toilet. I seem to remember that it was part of a gift set in combination with a little cute note pad. I think I got it about 25 years ago. As it was still working it never got thrown out. It probably was never used the first 10 years because it was "too cute" and after that it wasn't used because it wasn't all that useful. What would I need a pink felt tip pen for? But as long as it is working you can't throw it away. Right? Wrong. I saw it. Grabed it. Tossed it. Never paused. Not even tcheck if it was still working. Nor to take a picture of it. You'll just have to take my word for it.
7 a day: felt tip pen, sweater, 2 toy plastic containers, I am afraid that is only 4
surface of the day. Surface what surface? I really need to focus on that again! I mean I did clean the kitchen counters, but if I count that as the surface of the day on a daily basis things won't ever change around here!
7 a day: felt tip pen, sweater, 2 toy plastic containers, I am afraid that is only 4
surface of the day. Surface what surface? I really need to focus on that again! I mean I did clean the kitchen counters, but if I count that as the surface of the day on a daily basis things won't ever change around here!
James and I worked hard today. And you can tell. Needless to day the day is up and their is still plenty left to do. As I was too tired for an organized effort I decided to allow myself to just start with the pile of single socks right in front of me and see where it would take me. I guess the place can't look that great if putting one thing away puts me right in front of the next job. I don't care. The place looks better then it did an hour ago and trust me, I would have never believed this morning that it could look that nice tonight. Encouraged by my success with the puzzle book I threw out a "Toy Story" memory. I spent way to much time trying to mathc back the pieces and sort out theonce that were single. Now the majority is out and gone but I am sure I will have pieces surface every now and then!
7 a day: Toy Story memory
surface of the day: kitchen
7 a day: Toy Story memory
surface of the day: kitchen
I am almost done going through my clothes, but due to trouble with my internatl hard drive I am not sure where exactly all my pics are back uped to and I am way to start searching. I also was down with a nasty cold the last few things so everything is taking place in slow motion. The last few days I was impressed wiht how many areas of my house are actually well organized and uncluttered. Serious clutter and chaos is only happening in play areas. Talking about play areas. I came acroos yet ANOTHER on of those puzzles pieces. Best decision ever to get rid of that puzzle book. I am off to kondoing my skirts. Wish me luck!

What do I know about Marie Kondo? Not much to be honest. I know she is a japanese decluttring specialist and of what I understand you can sum up her philosophy as follows:
If it doesn't spark joy, out it goes!
I have not read her book, I just got a little summery so far from my friend Minerva who is totally hooked. She got me to get started, too.
You are to:
- start with easy first (clothes in her opinion)
- do hard stuff last (emotional stuff like photos)
- thank the stuff you part with for the joy it oncsubcatee brought you
- handle each item individually
- go by categories (clothes, books, etc.)
- get it all out at once
- divide into subcategories if necesarry(e.g.: tops, pants)
- take about 6 months to go through it all
You don't:
- buy new storage containers
- rush through it
So. With that in mind, I went through the first category. Clothes. More to come about that. Minerva introduced me to the concept over the holidays, when I was visiting family. That is why I could only go through it mentally. I started going through my stuff in my head. It was pretty easy. Even without handling it. I just pretended to be picking stuff to get dressed and thought how I felt about putting it on. Way to many tops that didn't spark joy. 2 of the tops even had to stay behind!
surface of the day: boys's clothes transfered to their new room
5 a day: 1 bra, 1 pair of underpants 1 kitchen utensil, a toothbrush, the bumper of a (toy) car,
surface of the day: boys's clothes transfered to their new room
5 a day: 1 bra, 1 pair of underpants 1 kitchen utensil, a toothbrush, the bumper of a (toy) car,
My big resolution is to be happier. Happyness is a choice. I am convinved if I learn to be happier, many other things will simply happen.
- Happy people don't eat because they are stressed.
- Happy people don't need to be prepared for every tiny thing
- Happy people aren't overwhelmed when they need to leave the house
- Happy people don't mind cleaning up the kitchen.
See. Only great stuff in store for happy people. So today I happily started my new year. And simply got to work.
Surface of the day:kitchen counter
7 a day: 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of tights, hm. That's only 2 hahaha
PS: What's up with forgetting to post stuff?
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