

Lets face it. Dreaming big is one thing. Feeling like you failed on a daily basis is another. I know myself well enought to know that this is what it will boil down to. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not even by the end of the week. Although very likely before the year is up.

So lets be nice to myself and reduce that daily list. At least for the next couple week. Oh wait. Lets make this months, there is a tiny person in the house who needs loads of attention.

So here is the revised list.

  • 2 loads of laundry (not negotiable as that is simply what needs to be done around here)
  • 10 min in 1 bedroom
  • kitchen at night while James gets to send the kids to bed. 
  • go for a walk, work out or play the piano
  • 10 min in a bathroom
  • work on a blog (not necessarily posting, working on something is enough)
  • cook 3 x a week and make sure portions are big enough to last 2 days
Trust me, that is plenty ambitious. 

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