

I have a dresser in the hall with 2 small and 2 big drawers. One of the big drawers has the qualities of a vortex. What ever comes too close, gets drawn in, sucked to the bottom and never resurfaces. During my last emergency clean up I obviously pushed too much into the way of the vortex and it kind of spilled over and something had to be done. 

I now know why I couldn't find any hats during the summer. I also learned that useless paper takes up lots of room. Marie was delighted when she found out those little ponies were hers. I wish I could claim ruthlessness, but I think it was more randomness. 

I am not ready to do this properly yet. In the mean time I will just pick out the easy stuff and deal with the rest later. Or never. I dreamt my house burnt down. But that's another story. 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi there. I enjoy reading your posts. I do think there is hope 😏 You will get there.
    Pippi Longstockings 😃
