

How far did I come? Well. I am proud to say that 5 days later we are almost through the girls' wardrobe. Never mind that half of that was done before I even started out on that new challenge. What happened? Well. Life happened.
Friday I opted for maintenance and baking a cake after 2 days of staring at the walls. Friday afternoon I had a call from the office wondering if my translation was done. I had a mini fit and told them if they want stuff translated they have to SEND IT TO ME. Needless to say I had it back to the office by 8:30 am Monday morning.

Saturday I had half a day of "therapy" hanging out a a friend's house. And when I say "half a day" I mean 12 hours. I was home around 2 am.
Heather is a bundle of efficiency seems to always be balancing at least 5 plates, is the only person I know that can be in 2 places at once and has a way of making me feel loved for who I am that I can't begin to understand.

Sunday after church we had a band drop off, a trip to my sisters for the girls' mini vacation at her house (3 hours round trip for poor James) Heather and her husband and son over for dinner cause at church as usual she jokingly asked what we'd be eating and if it is worth it to stop by. Matt made duck (yes, I was the "sous"-chef) and as it was his first time it all took a little longer. By the time Heather was gone it was late.
Today I sent James and Alex of for a 5 day camp. The girls were brought back with 1 hour notice as their cousin became really sick. I managed to translate another 3 pages this morning, taught Matt and his friend how to cook a new dish and did some maintenance. I passed out on the couch on the patio by 7 pm.
Never mind a 10 month old teething baby that is high maintenance at the moment.

I really shouldn't be surprised that I am not going anywhere with my project. Lets face it. I got a lot done. There was time in between to do more, I simply can't handle more and had to rest in between to stay happy.

To make sure I'll be happy tomorrow, too, I will go to bed now! 

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