

At least kind of. Am I kidding myself when I tell myself reduction of volume is good enough? There is just so many things I am not ready to deal with. And it is not even emotional stuff. I have reduced 2 boxes to 1/3 of a box. The rest ist put to use, donated or thrown out. I decided I will just put the box back in the rotation once it is full.

So far I have not made a big mess and contained the sorted stuff. That alone is great progress for me. Having James get the boxes for me is nothing sort of brilliant. Why? Because this way I only see the one box. Of course I know how much is up there. But I am a visual thinking type. I think in pictures. I remember things I see a lot better and fast than things I hear. So NOT seeing the attic helps me to stay focused on the one box and keeps me from despair. On Monday I will send him up for box #3.

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