

No. Today wasn't much better. I am still in head lice shock and can't focus. Rock bottom, here I come. I stuck with necessities. But hey. If you only do half of what it is necessary, even though you did things there will not be real progress. I need to reset my brain. The good news is that I am making serious progress on my Christmas Carol that I have been practicing on the piano. Ready for the bad news? Well I guess it is a funny story, but it did make me wonder about how thorough I was in the living room. Get comfortable, I need to start this story at the beginning.

So. Easter. remember Easter? No. Well, that's how long ago it was. The weather was lousy and we hid the eggs and candy in the living room. Because it is so much fun, we hid them multiple times. When we were finally done I counted them and announced that one egg was still missing. We had 18 instead of 19. Alex, the math genius told me how many eggs everyone started out with and patiently explained to me that the total was 18 and we had them all. I insisted we were one short. He explained 2 or 3 more times, with a little less patience each time. As I repeatedly tell him one can't always be right and sometimes you just have to suck it up and admit you are wrong I figured I should lead by example. So I said:"What you say makes sense. You must be right. We have them all." I had totally forgotten about that moment when James came upstairs tonight and said:"Look, I found an Easter Egg in the living room!"
I was right! I was RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT! HARHARHAR!!! Guess who was in the boys room gloating 30 sec later! Too bad it dawned on me a few minutes later that that also means my living room clean up was not as efficient as I thought. I could have sworn I dusted that surface!

Editors note: yes this week was bad enough that it took me 3 days to post this!

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