

Yup, that's me. At least that is what I want to feel like. A friend of mine pointed out that if I call myself a lazy slob I will sooner or later live up to the mental image I have of myself. Label yourself with positiv adjectives was her challenge for me. It took me a few days to come up with my very own mantra. Here it is.

I am FIT, SLIM and full of ENERGY.

Do I always believe that? NO. Do I live up to it? Rarely. But more often then I used to. On days when I feel overwhelmed I say this littel mantra out loud. For example I will say:"I am fit, slim and full of energy and now I will clean the bathroom." When I feel really low I give myself even smaller tasks like "put away 5 things". Once my chore is done I will pick a new chore and repeat my little mantra. I helps me to make it through the dark days. 

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