

James took Tuesday and Wednesday off. I know exactly what you are thinking. "Great, she finally tackled that tiny bathroom." Well. Guess what. She did not. She had errands to run for 6 hours on Monday and was glad to be alive when it as over. James took all morning for his errands and Tuesday afternoon of course was Taxi Tuesday, with a twist this time as activities were rotated for this week. Wednesday she spent another 7 + hours on errands multitasking as she was translating (=making money) while killing almost 3 hours with tests at a doctors office. In the afternoon she found herself helping James finish a project she wasn't even aware off. Maybe you can relate that she was not up to much more than providing food for the critters after a day like that. So with Thursday being the first day without being all over the place for half of the day or longer it was spent catching up with normal things like laundry and collecting a myriad of things that are lying around. (We definitely have to work on putting things back after using them.)

I would say:"Tomorrow is another day," but it really isn't as we'll be gone most of it and I honestly don't see myself getting anything done. But hey. Who cares. There is still Saturday to finish the blasted bathroom. Or at least start it. :(

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