

I have been experiencing "pick a room-anxiety" since Friday. Seeing the state of the living room and taking into account the fact that I only finished 1 room so far, makes me very reluctant about choosing a new room. I think I am setting myself up for failure. Getting started every week, but never finishing anything. I know myself well enough to know that not choosing a new room won't make me finish and old one.

One of today's problem was that I wasn't able to stick with my "no appointments on Mondays" rule. I was to visit 2 people this morning, one appointment fell through and I took the hour I won to run to the famous Swedish furniture store. Of course there was piano and I had sneakily made a dental appointment right after piano. Unfortunately the school changed the kids's time tables so I had to switch the kids's piano lessons around so the kid that was half way to the dentist at piano lessons wasn't the one who had the appointment. Add having to make a cake for today and you can see why I might have felt a little overwhelmed about this new room.

Fortunately I have a friend, Louisa who decided to be my challenge partner. Her room this week is a small bathroom. I have decided to tag along. That upstairs bathroom has almost no storage room so there isn't much in there to begin with. I am telling myself I can do this in one day. I guess I really could if only I got started. I am just not happy about using another one of my "joker rooms" already just to keep this project going. But not all is lost, just yet. I have been picking at shelves and drawers in other rooms that I am not officially working on whenever the occasion arose, so I am making more progress than I think. At least I hope so! 

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