

I am happy to say that I am making progress. Yes. I still need to throw each piece out individually. Yes. It would be so much faster if I could just take one quick glimpse and throw out the whole lot. No, that is not going to happen any time soon.

I went into the attic, opened a box and started throwing things out. I lasted longer than I thought. I also got more out than I thought I would. Unfortunately you can't really tell a difference as the box is still there. It only contains half as much as before, but it is still there. 

A lot of things went that I could not bring myself to toss before. Lots of Fast food chain toys. One would think we eat there once a week. 

I filled up a small carrier bag and got it right out of the house as the trash can was empty. Now it I could only get myself to do this twice a week I'd see progress!

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