

Last week was full. This one is even fuller. I was kind of worried how I would make it through the week. Monday was hard but went okay. Yesterday was spent in a blurr of tears as I found out that my son's first teacher, who I liked very much and was a great help for me in becoming more confident with my parenting lost her battle against cancer.

Today about 20 min after I got up I could barely move anymore due to pain in my left shoulder (after being in pain all week last week on the right side). I had a meeting with a teacher at 2 pm, dentist appointments for everyone at 3 pm, hit a car in the parking lot in between. (Fortunately there seems to have been no damage on either car except for a minor scratch on my plastic bumper and the owner of the other car just shrugged it off) I cried some more today, due to pain and overwhelm and sadness for losing such a great teacher at such a young age. (She was 5 weeks younger than me.)

Can tomorrow possibly go worse? Definitley. But it won't. It simply won't.

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