

I used to like Tuesdays. Now all I ever get to do is taxi  kids back and forth. It becomes even more fun if you find out at 7:15 am, that not only do you have to do 3 trips to the neighbouring town in less than 3 hours, you also have to pick one kid up from school that was supposed to go to her friend's house and go to ballet class with her. Needless to say, you get to do one more extra shuttle trip to ballet. So the question is. Go grocery shopping in the 45 min between the start and end of dance class or go back home? But shopping means you have to drag the Judo kid with you. Oh, and the little one.

Seriously. I am not the type who thrives on running errands in the first place. But taxiing kids back and forth form 2 pm-7 pm is all that I can handle. Needless to say decluttering was not on top of my list today. I got one little drawer emptied out. Cleaned out, rerganized it. Have NOT delt with the leftovers.

The last 2 weeks were so full. This one is just as bad, and I don't even know what's on the agenda for next week. All I can say is I came a long way. I might still hava a long way to go, but I am definitly moing the right direction!

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