

I think I told you about our plans to expand the attic and add 2 rooms up there? Well. Guess what. Those plans really are taking shape and today the architect who will make the plans showed up. He told me he needed to measure the attic. Last week he mentioned that he would be here for about 3-4 hours but that he would need nothing from me he would just take his measurements. I asked James why on earth measuring the attic would take so long and his explanation was:"I guess he will just measure every corner." Stupid me swallowed that. 

I had a bad day yesterday. Things didn't go as planned. In theory I would have had more time to get things done but in real life that simply didn't happen as I was frozen and could not adapt to the change of plans. So today I got a bit of work in before the architect showed up. But far from enough and I decided I will just shut the doors to all the bedrooms and he can measure the attic.

So *dingdong* there he is. First thing he tells me:"I will need to take a few pictures." As if that had not been mortifying enough next thing he tells me that he can't just draw plans with just the attic, he will need to measure every single room in the house. Yes. Every. Single. Room. EVERY! SINGLE! STINKING! ROOM! I was mortified. Besides hoping to die on the spot, or for the ground to split and swallow me whole, there was not much I could do. Sure enough he didn't start with the attic, but with the messy house. He never made it to the attic. He ran out of time. He will be back next week.

I am not sure if this is my chance to redeem myself or if the third visit to my completely cluttered house will seal my fate and ruin my reputation forever. That's what you get for hiring people you know instead of complete strangers.

I wish I had a clean house and cleared attic by next Wednesday. SO. NOT. HAPPENING. *sigh*

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