

Lets talk about the recycling "incident" one more time. It wasn't over just because I passed them and didn't save the glasses. I had to go past them AGAIN to pick up Luke. On the way back from school I heard the glass recycling truck so I thought I was save. But guess what. I might have heard the truck but it hadn't been on my street yet. 

Not only were the drinking glasses still there, but I noticed that the box one house down had drinking glasses in it, too! Nicer looking ones even. Do you know how hard it was to keep going? I could have been a hero! New glasses for free! I am not sure how I made it past them. I guess I picked up my pace. 

I just looked ahead and kept walking. My desire to acquire (oh that rhymes very nicely) grew even stronger. Just 3 houses from the safety of my own home I saw the cutest vase in one of the boxes, I think I already started reaching for it when I noticed it was broken.  LUCKY ME!

The real question is:"Why am I scanning boxes full of trash?" Obviously my subconscious is looking for treasure. Something deep inside of me is hoping to find something worth saving. I can't explain it any other way. Why would you scan boxes full of recycling unless you thought there was something in it you considered worth getting out?

Editors note: Glass was out again last week. I spotted more drinking glasses. HAHAHA!

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