

...having a backyard. I love it. I am not sure how I survived the 4 years of my life without one. Lots of trips to the park, but that is simply not the same.

I never thought I would find solace in planting vegetables, but it is such a fun process. I start my plants from "scratch" by putting the seeds in little containers on the window sill in March. I love watching the dirt and the excitement when the first break through.

Here are a few things I learned from it about myself:

  • I love starting things but have a hard time sticking with them. More then once, my plants stopped growing or even died, because I never got around to putting them into larger pots our outside.
  • Redundant tasks are not for me. Weed? AGAIN?!?
  • I expect to fail. This year, like many years before, I had too many plants and didn't know where to put them. AS I expected them not to survive I planted them rather close together. I also planted pumpkin, figuring they wouldn't grow. Now I have my very personal pumpkin jungle
  • I get bored fast. This year's harvest isn't in yet and I am already plotting about what to seed and when next year.
Say hello to my tomatoes!

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