

Over the last couple of months, I came across a few sheets of paper with NEW YEAR resolutions of the past few years, probably of the last decade. Turns out they were more or less the same.

  • lose weight
  • declutter
  • get organized
  • keep house clean
  • improve piano skills
  • learn new language
The amount I wanted to lose, or the language I wanted to work on has varied over the years, but all in all it has stayed the same. My conclusion? Obviously not much has changed. 

This year I have changed my approach. I obviously won't be losing the 66 lbs I want to lose, neither will I be selling tickets for my piano concerts. What I have done is look at WHY I fail to achieve those goals.

Lets take losing weight. This is what stops me:

  • eating to much 
  • eating at the wrong time
  • eating the wrong thing
  • not working out
  • turning to food for comfort
This is what I am planning on doing to fix it:

  • have fixed meal times
  • have a meal plan
  • start with a 5 min work out routine and increase it gradually
  • find a different way of dealing with stress.
By not picking a certain number of pounds to lose this year I hope to take some of the stress of it away. I want to focus on a healthier me, not on the magic number.

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