

1 year of blogging about my hoarding. Here are a few things I have learned:

  • sorting is just a nice word for churning
  • parting with things makes you feel lighter
  • if you haven't used it in 5 years, why would you need it still?
  • giving things away makes other people happy
  • it's nice to have space
  • it's nice to be able to let people in without having to shut all the doors
  • it's nice to find things when you need them (and not 5 months later)
  • you don't have to take things people want to dump on you
  • having less things gives you more energy to do other things

I could tell you quite a few more, but I will leave it at that. I am not cleared yet, but I am well on my way. I also recognize behavior that gets me in trouble. And even if I still fall into a few of the hoarder traps, it is a lot less often and most of the time, I get rid of the stuff before it takes up permanent residence!

I will continue dehoarding and hope you'll stay with me for the journey!

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