

It is, isn't it? The last week brought enough excitement and appointments to last me 3 months. It also brought some anxiety. Anxiety brought her friend "trouble falling asleep" who brought his brother, "waking up in the middle of the night". So when it was time to get up (which it wasn't necessarily just because I woke up) sometimes it took some serious concentration and a few seconds before I knew which day it was. 

This week still brings more excitement then I want to handle, but in comparison to last week it is pretty tame. I spent the morning staring at the ceiling and cleaning up the laundry room so the service guy could stare at my washer and tell me it is fine. 

I spent the afternoon trying to get a few things done at least. I did. Not a whole lot, but enough to have made a dent. 

I am happy, because I got a few things out of the way that were blocking me mentally and are taken care of now. I do believe that by procrastinating we are wasting a lot of energy that could be used for other things. Now if only I could get myself to stop procrastinating to stop procrastinating.

Tomorrow is another day that is already raising my anxiety levels, but I made a plan on how to survive it, so as long as I can get myself to stick to it, I should be fine. Wish me luck! 

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