

It's not that I didn't get anything done today. It just felt like I didn't get enough done. James was out getting stuff for his patio project and by the time he was done I left for a baptsim that I had been invited to. I had made cake for it and did a few little things around the house, but nothing that made me feel like I accomplished anything.  So tonight I decided that even if I can't focus on anything really today I can still get something done. I just started to randomly open drawers fishing out stuff that could go. Like old recites and broken pens. I also found 1,5 pairs of shoes to get rid of and quite a few other things. Some things I came across were to keep but in the wrong place, so I got them back to their home. My efforts might not be noticeable, but I know that I got stuff done. As small as the things were that I did, every single one was necessary, there was not churning, just action. Well done, me.

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