

It's been a true challenge so far, with the week being extra crazy, myself still feeling queasy with some random slight stomach bug, that makes up for being only faint by staying longer. I think the second the kids are in bed, I will retire, too. At 4 pm I finally caved and decided to take a 30 min power nap. Of course the phone rang after 5 min. It rang twice. My friend had called but realized the moment she hit dial that she forgot about an appointment. So I was awake and didn't get to chat with her. Oh well. I am dragging my feet , but I am happy to report, that I am completely unpacked, that the laundry is done, (at least the laundry from our trip) and I found a worthy cause to donate to. My neighbor brought over kids clothes, and today I found a bag of shoes in front of my door. I hate it when people just drop their stuff off without asking me if I want it. 

I keep fighting down the thought that I have to start my 14 day challenge again. The house really isn't that bad. I will just need a little patience. Today I am happy to report that tomorrow I will be done with the downstairs. 2 hours should do the trick. 

Surface of the day: coat room (almost done)

5 a day: various pieces of kids art, a dysfunctional pen

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