

The upstairs landing is clear. Well, forgive me if half of it just went up into the attic, but I am under a little time pressure at the moment and I did pick through the stuff as it let the playroom and a second time before it went into the attic. Churning at it's finest, but I still haven't learned to make quick decisions. If the decision has to be quick I will most likely keep it. As one never knows it just might come in handy one day. 

Last time things went up into the attic I felt bad about it. This time I don't. Why not? I assume because at least half of the stuff belongs up there anyway. I'll be a hero some other time. I think another reason I don't feel bad about it is because now the house is clear. Granted I still have a few cabinets to clear out but there is nothing lying around on the floor or stacked in boxes or laundry baskets. The last bit that went up is the last bit that will go up. And even though there is more up there again, the attic looks better than weeks ago when I posted pictures for the first time. 

I am not sure how I will proceed now. I might turn to the patio and backyard, and of course keep up the house and finish those last few drawers and cupboards. 

I am not sure. I worked hard for 4 weeks, but also realized that I could work a lot more if I was just willing to put in the emotional energy. Bumping up daily working time seems to have made a difference this week, so I will stick with it. 

surface of the day: upstairs landing

5 things a day: random bits and pieces, broken toys, parts of board games that have been discarded of a while a go. I think I will keep finding pieces for quite a while still.

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