

I decided if there was only one thing I could change in 2016, it would be doing things right away. You know, putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher right after a meal and not wait for an hour. Take the trash out when it is full. Answer emails right away and not wait til the evening (because I WILL forget). 

I once read an article on time management at the office. The person decided that he would do everything "right away". I thought this was impossible but decided to read on. He ended up only making plans for 4 hours of the 8 hours his work day is made up off. The other 4 are reserved for doing things immediately. He said it completely change his work experience. #

When I did my "research" on what my friends do who have a clean house, on thing stood out, No matter what their strategy was, they all had one thing in common. They do things right away. Crumbs on the floor? - Get a broom. Taking of your coat? - Hang it up. Opening mail? - Discard junk and envelopes on the spot. 

I have started doing it. I am far from doing it 100 %. I think I might do it 3 out of 10 times. But I am getting better. And I am already seeing results. Especially in the kitchen. The kitchen stays cleaner longer and is easier to clean up when necessary. I might actually have it under control soon.

I have also decided that all the things that need doing "just happened". Of course I am not working non stop.  And yet, it makes a difference. I used to see things and tell myself:"this has been lying here for weeks" implying that it can lie here for a few more. Now with the label "current event" I am a lot more likely to deal with it in passing. 

If doing this 3 out of 10 times makes such a noticeable difference can you believe what will haben if I ALWAYS do that? Well of course this place would be spotless. I think that exceeds my imagination! 

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