

My time is up. The room isn't done. I am trying to feel like I failed, but I can't. I started in the middle of the month and the project was insane. To add to the madness last week brought with it 6 additional appointments that took a total of 15 hours out of my week. Basically to full work days on top of my normal madness. 2 things I had no control over, 1 was a doctors appointment I made weeks ago not knowing how full this week would be and the other 3 were school and medical appointments where I felt if I didn't act fast I might miss out on getting the help we need. 

When I first picke dthis room I had no expectations of actually finishing, which makes it hard to feel like I failed.

So the room is a mess still. But less of a mess. there is enough free floor space that the girls actually started playing in their room again. we are far from done, I know. The last thing I did in that room was 5 days ago and I added more stuff figuring it wouldn't make a difference. It didn't. 

What now you wonder? Well, pick a new room of course. That means now I have 2 rooms to work on. The boy's room is next. Why? Because that was almost done during the 14 day challenge and I can take advantage of the progress made back then. Plus. They will be doing most of the work, which means I can focus on the girls' room still. 

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