

Let's not talk about the room of the month today. Way to depressing. When I did my 14 day challenge I came across a bag with books and CDs in it. I knew it! I told James that we had more books for Alex for Christmas. OF course I found the bag AFTER Christmas. All of a sudden I even remembered moving it from spot #1 down to the basement as the kids were less likely to come across it in the basement. 

Today I decided to not only be happy I found it but to make sure I won't lose them again. As we have birthdays coming up I went ahead and wrapped a few items. When I was done, I hid the presents in my wardrobe and put the paper and scotch tape away. The scissors are still upstairs as they are Marie's long lost scissors for school. Oops.I am afraid I for once am the guilty party "losing" them. But I am proud of myself. One birthday is taken care of this way already and everything is back where it belongs. I can do this!

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