

Remember how I once told you that hoarders are people, too? Now that you have grown to love hoarder me it is time to fall in love with the rest of my sparkling personality! 

On TV, hoarders often come across to me as people who don't have a grip on life. Who never do anything fun. Who have no hobbies, merely obsessions. They don't leave the house and people never come to visit them. I might be a hoarder and often act like one (reprogramming me is not done), but I see myself as a fun personality. I love a good party, I love cooking and having people over.

So here. Meet the real Katja, who is so much more fun than Hoarding-Katja. Yesterday we had friends over. 8 adults and 4 kids. We officially opened the barbecue and water fight season. It was delicious and so much fun! 

James loves tomatoes and Mozzarella and as I
love James, it is an absolute must have side
 dish when ever we fire up the grill!

For the vegetarians. (Slightly blurred.)

For me....gg

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