

My throat hurts, my ears sting. Yesterday I had a splitting headache and a tempeature. My husband has been sick for 5 days and the kids aren't their normal healthy self, either. It is rather discouraging to see the state of the house detoriate so fast. Fortunately from past expirience I know what I need to focus on in a situation like this. Unless you opt for paper plates, dishes are the top priority (not just for sanitary reasons.) Clothes are next on the list, because by the time your kids realize they don't have a single clean item to wear to school it's too late to start washing. Fortunately I am far from having hit rock bottom. Oh well. Maybe not that far. A friend of mine has offered to come help me in 2 days. (she is too busy tomorrow). But she is one of those women who, no matter what, always have a clean house. She has seen my house in bad shape and has never been anything but supportive and non judgemental, but I still don't want her to see it like this....again. Plus her super efficency always makes me feel a little stupid. I simply don't understand how she can clean up that fast, especially somebody else's house!

I did get the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and started the laundry. Other then that I more or less slept through the day. I do hope I feel better tomorrow. Even if that means clearing out the chaos!

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