

Today I said good bye to this little one that I've had every since I can remember. She spent the last 20 years of her life in this box. When I took the picture the word "coffin" popped up in my head. It's hard to tell with the small picture, but the filling is coming out in many spots, she is filthy and torn. I literally loved her to pieces and it's time to let her go. 

It wasn't even all that hard. I admit that it was hard enough to not even go back up into the attic to find more things to part with, but I wasn't sad, I wasn't feeling wasteful. Maybe I was a little sad for myself. Because I had kept her so long, turning her into a burden. Every time I came across her, I thought:"I really need to throw her away." Then the little voice in m head would whisper:"You could fix her!" So I kept her. 

I've had her all my life, and she doesn't even have a name. 


surface of the day: started on the dresser in the hall, never finished it

7 a day: Sweetiepie and lots of kid's art

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